Nothing like the realization that a marriage is finally over. My husband has finally lost it. Mr. high and mighty with his two bastard children who have been nothing but trouble wants to punish me for having a son who made a bad judgement call. In addition because I won't pull my kids out of school to attend the wedding of 2 people I don't know clear across country when I have to leave for Pheonix 2 days later, I am a horrible person. I don't share his dream of retiring in BFE also known as Montana, I don't want to spend a month in the Florida Keys alone with 2 little girls with limited activity.
In our nearly 10 year of marriage I have never been what you call high maintainence as opposed to "The Donald". The one time I take him up on an offer to get something nice, he wants to renig and accuse me of not earning it. I am so appalled. He told me he was not going to live with someone who did not make him happy or share his dreams, and I said "ditto". So, it looks like I will be looking for a good Divorce attorney. I am not going to live a lie any longer either.