Mackenzie is at the age where she thinks she knows everything, must put her 2 cents in every conversation, torments her younger sister, and must disaggre with me constantly. At the same time she so wants me to be her friend and hungers for my approval, yet devestated when i don't approve at some of her choices. It's so hard to have patience with her. She is the most marvelous child. Brilliant in school, hilariously funny, loyal friend and a beatifully caring heart towards those she chooses to love. Cracking her hard shell is tough. I think she needs more "Daddy Time" as her whole world has been me throughout Don's training and weird work schedule. Hopefully she will get some serious bonding with him while I am gone next week.

This one however, who could help but love??? She's my baby but quickly is developing her sister's bad habits. Right now we are fighting the "patch" war with her eye. She wants to act like a big girl but still is so clingy to me. This is my favorite picture of her. She loves to put her little outfits together.
Til later- off to deal with the two Divas!